Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) describe the probability distribution of quarks and gluons (collectively known as partons) inside a proton or neutron as a function of the parton's momentum fraction and the energy scale of the interaction. They are essential for making predictions in high-ener...
Compare and contrast companies that operate in the traditional economy and the new economy. How do companies seek to survive in the new economy? The quark composition of the proton is uud, while that of the neutron is udd. Show that the charge,...
Proton is a subatomic particle in the atoms’ nucleus and has a positive charge. We generally denote it by p. When scientists discovered the electron, they had no idea about a particle called proton. Goldstein discovered a positively charged particle that was produced from gases. These were kno...
• The size of ions varies depending on several factors. • The size of an electron is a fixed value; it is about 1/1836 of a proton. • Atomic Structure: • Electrons are not polyatomic or monatomic. Electrons do not combine with each other to form compounds. • Ions can bep...
An electron from the closest energy level (mostly from K-shell or L-shell) falls into the nucleus, and this causes a proton to become a neutron. A neutrino is emitted from the nucleus. The atomic number goes down by one unit, and mass number remains unchanged. ...
Deuteron is the nucleus of deuterium. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen having a proton, a neutron and an electron. Unlike protium, this isotope has a proton and a neutron together in the atomic nucleus. Therefore, the atomic mass of this isotope is 2. That is why we can name it as...
The number of neutrons a nucleus can hold differs from element to element. Among these isotopes, only some are stable. For instance, oxygen has three stable isotopes, and tin has ten stable isotopes. Most of the time, simple elements have the same neutron number as the proton number but, ...