Although rates might be cheaper, paying back your loan over a longer period means you’ll pay more interest overall. Need to be a homeowner. If you don’t have enough equity in your home, you won’t qualify. Higher risk. You could lose your home if you don’t keep up with your re...
Compare mortgage rates easily: Find the best deals and save money on your home loan. Learn how to apply and which type of mortgage is right for you.
Once your uni place has been accepted through Clearing, don't forget about yourstudent loan! If you've previously applied but have now changed course or university, you'll need to letStudent Financeknow. Updating your details is simple and should be done sooner rather than later to ensure yo...
The size of your maintenance loan will depend on your personal circumstances. For example, if you live at home with your parents during term time, then you qualify for the lowest amount, while a full-time student living away from home in London will likely get the maximum. Third parties ...
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As for a maintenance loan, you'll only be able to receive this if you're studying dental hygiene or a dental therapy foundation course. Foundation degree entry requirements Each university will have different entry requirements for a foundation degree and there are no set requirements as such,...
Candidates can apply via the undergraduate student finance system and not the postgraduate loan, as these are for Master’s courses alone. For those on a PhD with Integrated Master's course, Research Councils that fund doctorates do not offer financial support for Master’s on their own, but...
During freshers, you're in control of how much you spend, so make sure you don't blow your entire term’s maintenance loan in one week - it’s a long time until you get your next one! Having a budget can really help. Our advice? Put most of your money in a savings account, whe...
However, if your course has Higher Technical Qualification approval, you may be able to receive some maintenance loan. What can I do after completing my CertHE? After completing your CertHE, you can choose whether to go onto a Bachelor's degree, HNC or HND. You could also use your ...