If you are currently attending school or you are in the stages of the admissions process, you may be interested in learning how to get the most competitive car insurance quotes for students. While it is true that the insurance rates for students do tend to be higher than the averagenational...
Good Student Discount for Full-time Students Earning good grades will not only get you into college with a full-ride scholarship, doing this will also keep your insurance rates down. To qualify for a Good Student Discount (GSD), you need to show your insurer that you have earned good grade...
year, have medium coverage, good credit, and a clean driving record. The rates are for comparative purposes only and should not be considered “average” rates available by individual insurers. Because car insurance rates are based on individual factors, your car insurance rates will differ....
Why insurance comparison shopping is important Your driving record, your vehicle and where you live are major rating factors for car insurance. But who you trust to insure your vehicle is equally as important. For example, below you can see the average rates for a 30-year-old male driver wi...
To compareautoinsurance rates, enter your ZIP Code ZIP code Advertising Disclosures Car insurance coverages It will be up to you to decide how much coverage to obtain. The lower the coverage, the greater your personal exposure. Even if you have no assets, the debt doesn't go away for dama...
25%Complete Let’s get started!SelectVehicle Year 2026202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987 Tell us what car you drive & we’ll look for the best rates
25%Complete Let’s get started!SelectVehicle Year 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986 Tell us what car you drive & we’ll look for the best rates
This table shows average car insurance rates for each type of coverage. Core Car Insurance Coverage in Alaska Coverage Type Annual Costs in 2015 Liability $539.68 Collision $350.81 Comprehensive $137.26 Combined $1,027.75 Compare RatesStart Now → We gathered the data above from the most recent...
Compare car insurance rates for young drivers Teen drivers are inexperienced, which leads to a greater likelihood of accidents and risky driving. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that teens have a higher crash rate than any other age group. Because of this...
California, Hawaii and Massachusetts don't allow insurers to use credit when determining car insurance rates. In Washington, the legal code around this issue is being debated. These are average full coverage car insurance rates in the U.S. for a 35-year-old driver: Good credit $2,281 per...