Both BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) and FET (Field Effect Transistor) are two types of transistors. Transistor is an electronic semiconductor device that gives a largely changing electrical output signal for small changes in small input signals. Due to this quality, the device can be used as ...
MOSFET vs BJT Transistor is an electronic semiconductor device that gives a largely changing electrical output signal for small changes in small input signals. Due to this quality, the device can be used as either an amplifier or a switch. Transistor was released in 1950s and it can be consid...
IGBT is has the combined features of both MOSFET and bipolar junction transistor (BJT). It is gate driven like MOSFET and has current voltage characteristics like BJTs. Therefore, it has the advantages of both high current handling capability and ease of control. IGBT modules (consists of a nu...