第1步-选择你的主题 请记住,你的两个主题必须不同,但仍要处于同一水平,这样才能够创建一篇有意义的Compare and Contrast Essay.例如,如果你要写两个不同的历史人物,那么不可能一个是艺术家一个是政治家,这样的比较毫无意义。第2步-头脑风暴异同 选择好主题后,首先做的就是找一张纸,然后列出两个主题之间的...
Easy compare and contrast essay topics for college students High school vs college. McDonalds and Burger King: Explain how these two fast food chains similar or different from each other. Public schools and homeschooling: Which do you prefer?
Finding the Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For You When choosing a topic for your comparison essay, remember that subjects cannot be drastically different, because there would be little to no points of comparison (similarities). The same goes for too many similarities, which will result ...
How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay: Easy Steps Learning how to compose a compare and contrast essay might be tricky for many students. But anyone can learn how to create a good one with the proper approach and certain fundamental criteria. Middle, high, and college students are freque...
the classmates who accompany you, will remain the same. In the conclusion, the writer shows why it is useful to know how the two things are different and alike. The writer also adds new, related information. 4. CONCLUSION相关精品文档 更多 The Structure of a Compare or Contrast Essay结构的...
It's easy to convince students there is a reason for learning it. You can teach it effectively in a few steps. You can see students' critical thinking skills improve as they learn to write the essay. Once mastered, students feel proud of their ability to systematicallycompare and contrasttwo...
通常的essay prompt都是 “Please compare and contrast xxx and xxx”。所以,我们需要同时讨论相同点和不同点。 如何比较? “如何去比较”其实就是告诉你如何去组织自己的文章。大体上来说,比较事物有两种通用的方式。最基本的有两种:Subject by Subject 和Point by Point 接下来我们解释下,subject by subject...
compare & contrast essay America and China are two of the most important countries in this world today. They share some vital similarities such as general situations. On the other hand, there are some differences exist between America and China like culture, both quality and quantity of military...
Compare and Contrast Essay例文及点 · 主题选择 首先论文的主题是对比两种不同的旅行方式:背包式和酒店住宿式。这两种方式是比较常见的两种不同的旅行形式,所以说范文选择了一个不错的主题。一个良好的主题是essay写作的基础和前提条件。选择两个易于比较的话题或事物,既可以在一定程度上降低英文论文写作的难度,而且...
创意天才在受到启发之前无法创造他们的杰作。 也许你是那个创造性的天才,只是没有受到启发如何写论文陈述(thesis statement),以帮助你的思想集中在即将到来的比较和对比文章(compare and contrast essay)中。 也许你根本不认为自己是一个创造性的天才。 也许你更像是一个拖延症患者,他现在才开始撰写一篇论文陈述,因为...