Research seat comfort and amenities for different airlines before you book. Not all airline seats are alike SeatGuru's sortable Comparison Charts help you compare seating among different airlines. Seat pitch and widthcan vary greatly among airlines - even among aircraft types for the same airline. ...
Remember, when you do book a flight with your points, availability is likely to be more limited than if you were paying normally as not all seats will be bookable in this way and you will be limited to the airlines your points work on. You also still have to pay taxes. Think about ...
Award seats have limited availability. On every flight, there are only a certain number of seats allocated for award fares. As flights fill up (or don't fill up), the availability and cost of award seats can fluctuate. When booking an award seat, it is best to check award availability o...
benefit applies Preferential access to Qantas Classic Flight Reward seats^ Not applicable Not applicable Yes, benefit applies Yes, benefit applies Yes, benefit applies Earn Status Bonus points** with Qantas, Jetstar and American Airlines§§ Not applicable 50% 75% 100% 100% Priority phone service...
Their seats had ample leg space. We got exceptional service just as they had promised. The meal served on board was Bangkok- inspired. All this was on an economy class ticket to Bangkok. They are truly extraordinary. At Bangkok, there was plenty of romantic things to do. My favorite ...
Rated4.7out of 5 by27,789people Very easy to use Very easy to use. Happy with the process. Maria I made an error and customer service… I made an error and customer service put me on the right track now sorted Vivienne S Wade