Abcam Product Name: Anti-alpha smooth muscle Actin (ACTA2) antibody Catalog Number: ab220179 Clone Number: Info:Supplier PageView Product Specs Browse Similar Products:Anti-alpha smooth muscle Actin Antibody Products We study the CNS basement membrane and blood-brain barrier. We use this ACTA2 an...
How to address the challenges that exist on antigen & antibody sides Immunohistochemistry vs Immunocytochemistry IHC and ICC differ primarily in types of samples they analyze Leveraging AI in the Lab—The Good, Bad & Ugly Use it responsibly and it can allow you to do more with less. ...
Gaglia G, Ritch CC, Blatt SE, Bhutkar A, Canner D, Kienka T, Tavana SZ,et al.Cat#41-4777-80; RRID: AB_2573608 tCycif: anti-humanTCF1,Cell Signaling Technology,CloneC63D9; Cat#6444S; RRID: AB_2797627 tCycif: anti-humanTTF1(also reacts withmouse),Abcam,CloneEPR595(2); Cat#ab...
medical researchSeptember 7, 2023Gu L, Feng C, Li M, Hong Z, Di W, Qiu L.antibody (1:100;AB201340,Abcam, USA),CD163antibody (1:400;AB182422,Abcam) andiNOSantibody (1:200;Nb300-605,Novus Biologicals, USA). Samples were subsequently incubated with secondary HRP-labeled goat anti-...