comparator circuit[kəm′par·əd·ər ‚sər·kət] (electronics) An electronic circuit that produces an output voltage or current whenever two input levels simultaneously satisfy predetermined amplitude requirements; may be linear (continuous) or digital (discrete)....
Acomparatoris a circuit that compares two input voltages or currents and gives output High or Low as per input signal. The Output is a digital form according to the input signal compared with the reference. Basically a comparator is used in electronics to compare the twoAnalog input signalsgive...
2.(Electronics) an electric circuit that compares two signals and gives an indication of the extent of their dissimilarity Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
DIGITAL electronicsHIGH voltagesThe digital window comparator circuits with digital switching levels use different threshold voltages. The proposed circuit consists of a Schmitt-trigger inverter gate and the AND gate. Both gates have different switch levels, and the circuit has a window...
The circuit comprises a first transistor connected to the source electrode of a first current source connected to the source electrode of the second transistor and a second current source connected between the two transistor source impedance means can be selected in each stage before comparison , by...
Electronics.a circuit forcomparingtwo signals, as readings of duplicate information stored in a digital computer, and for giving an indication of agreement or disagreement between them. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcomparator1 ...
High speed differential comparator circuit having precisely adjustable threshold As for the high-speed differential comparator circuit, adjustment possible threshold voltage is offered accurately. The differential reference voltage signal is offered, in order to control the threshold voltage of the comparator...
An apparatus and method of a programmable hysteresis comparator capable of producing a digital signal in response to differential input signals is disclosed. In one embodiment, the programmable hysteresis comparator includes a hysteresis offset programmable circuit that is operable to selectively provide a...
Non-stationary noise analysis techniques are applied to circuit analysis problems for white noise sources in a framework consistent with the more familiar wide-sense-stationary techniques. The design of a low-noise threshold detection comparator using a preamplifier is discussed. (cont.) Assuming the...
High-speed Low-voltage CMOS Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter for Wideband Communication System-on-a-Chip By developing a dynamic offset suppression technique and a circuit optimization method, the comparator can achieve a 3 dB frequency of 2 GHz in 130 nanometer (nm) CMOS process. Combining this...