The main purpose of this book series is to provide sound analyses of major developments in national, EU and international law and case law, as well as insights into court practice and legislative proposals in the areas concerned. The analyses address a broad readership, such as lawyers and prac...
Offers a new direction in interdisciplinary legal studies law and code and that of law and literature The first volume to bring together theoretical reflection on new technologies and contemporary literary-legal theory Confronts two interdisciplinary fields within legal theory: that of law and code and...
(Balfour, 1881: 425) Balfour’s translation of “Dao” as nature reflects, on the one hand, the fact that “Dao” is the general law of the universe and that “Dao” cannot be named provides it with its mysterious character. On the other hand, such a translation reflects his ...
LAW&OmanThe nature of crime has dramatically changed after the revolution of the new digital era. It is no longer based on violence but on the criminal computer abilities and technical expertise. This paper presents a comprehensive comparison between the Jordanian digital law 2015 and the Omani ...
Lower relativecost of production of a good compared to another economy's relative cost of production of the same good. The law of comparative advantage says that two economies can both gain from trade even if a country is more efficient in the production all goods, as long as the more- an...
It has been believed that domain-specific computing will be one of the major directions of computer architecture in the post-Moore's Law era. The evolution of domain-specific processors is actually always accompanied by general-purpose processors. Digital signal processor (DSP), one of the ...
In addition to poetry and literature, the project also covers religious texts and commentaries, Sufism, history, geography, law, the sciences, rhetoric, logic, philosophy, calligraphy, dictionaries and grammar, as well as biographies and autobiographical works. Materials can be browsed or searched ...
This study aimed to assess the accuracy of predicting the correct answers from three AI chatbots (ChatGPT-4, Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini) in the Italian entrance standardized examination test of healthcare science degrees (CINECA test). Secondarily, we assessed the narrative coherence of ...
1 The GDPR which came into operations in 2018 closely follows the 1995 Directive while introducing new elements, ostensibly to update the law for the current digital age including the IoT era. Just as its predecessor set the global standard for data protection, the GDPR can be expected can be...
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