Rehman, H.M.; Nawaz, M.A.; Shah, Z.H.; Ludwig-Muller, J. Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of Family-1 UDP glycosyltransferase in three Brassica species and Arabidopsis indicates stress-responsive regulation. Sci. Rep. 2018, 8, 1875. [CrossRef] [PubMed]...
Colletotrichum_orbiculare_104T_MAFF_240422_1_assemblyData from: Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal the hemibiotrophic stage shift of Co... (2013). Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal the hemibiotrophic stage shift of Colletotrichum fungi. New Phytol. 197, 1236-1249...
verified the safety ofA. cristatusunder low- and high-osmotic pressure conditions, and established the evolutionary patterns of the mating-type genes through genome sequencing and RNA-Seq transcriptomic data fromA. cristatusat two developmental stages. This is the first high-quality genome sequence...
verified the safety ofA. cristatusunder low- and high-osmotic pressure conditions, and established the evolutionary patterns of the mating-type genes through genome sequencing and RNA-Seq transcriptomic data fromA. cristatusat two developmental stages. This is the first high-quality genome sequence...
Comparative Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses Revealed Twenty-Six Candidate Genes Involved in the Air-Breathing Development and Function of the Bighead Catfish Clarias macrocephalusTranscriptome analysisClarias macrocephalusAir-breathing catfishOxygen binding...
2.1. Used genomic and transcriptomic data Publicly available RNA sequencing experiments for the 20 unicellular and multicellular fungi were identified through NCBI SRA [30]. The SRA runtables obtained included experiments from different organs (for multicellular fungi), gene knockout variants, and sample...
Genomic and transcriptomic variation defines the chromosome-scale assembly of Haemonchus contortus, a model gastrointestinal worm Article Open access 09 November 2020 Spatial transcriptomics of a parasitic flatworm provides a molecular map of drug targets and drug resistance genes Article Open access ...
As results, we found that both evolutionary genomic and comparative transcriptomic studies revealed genes for oxidative stress response and response to cytokinin is a key for the proliferation of the diatom. Conclusions Diatoms causing harmful algal blooms have gained multi-copy of genes related to ...
erythraea. Several potential regulators were then proposed by integration analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data. This is a demonstration of the functional comparative genomics between an industrialS. erythraeastrain and the wild-type strain. These findings help to understand the global regulation ...
The WGS projects have been deposited at NCBI GenBank under BioProject IDPRJNA215141and accession no.AWUE00000000forC. olitoriusand BioProject IDPRJNA215142and accession no.AWWV00000000forC. capsularis. The genomic and transcriptomic raw data have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA...