The comparative form of 'useful' is 'more useful,' and the superlative form is 'most useful.' 1. Identify the adjective: The adjective is 'useful.' 2. Determine the number of syllables: 'Useful' has two syllables. 3. Apply the rules for forming comparatives and superlatives: For adjective...
解析 19. more useful, most useful 结果一 题目 Write the comparative and superlative forms of the words(写出单词的比较级和最高级):farWrite the comparative and superlative forms of the words (写出单词的比较级和最高级): far ___ 答案 farther farthest/ further furthestfar有两种比较级和最高级...
Note: clever , common, friendly, gentle, quiet and simple and be used with either form (most common, commonest). See also spelling (28.1). Use the comparative form (e.g. bigger, better, more beautiful ) to compare two things or two groups of things. Use the superlative form (e.g....
《Grammar:Comparative and superlative adjectives》教学资源 [教案]八年级上册《Grammar:Comparative and superlative adjectives》获奖教案下载牛津译林版初中英语 We use the +superlatives to compare three or more people or things.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyIntroduce the structure ...
[教案]初中英语《Grammar:Comparative and superlative adjectives》公开课教案八年级上册 用来修饰名词或代词,作定语.跟在宾语后,作宾语补足语.Step2 :Do some exercisesStep3 :副词的由来 如何加 ly1.以 e 结尾,2.以 le 结尾,3.以 y 结尾,Step4 : 级的变化:原级、比较级、最高级Do some more exercises,th...
more useful 一 the most usefrl 3 the most important The safest 解析 1.2008年的汶川地震比这7更严重但最严重的是1976年的唐山大地震than用于比较级 more serians.更随最高级thef形容词最高级故 more serious; the most serious. 2.我认为手机比电话更实用,是的,但是电脑是最实用的前一定用比较改后一空...
I . Write out the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives (写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级):原级比较级最高级1. big2.small3.long4.short5.tall6.thin7.fat8. important9. necessary10. nice11. beautiful12. cold13. hot14. useful15.interesting16.difficult17. wonderful18.cle...
Teaching grammar skills is SO MUCH FUN with Giggles and Grammar! Your students will absolutely love learning all about Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs with these high-interest grammar worksheets designed to make teaching grammar engaging and fun! PLEASE NOTE: The stories in this...
[课件]八年级上册初中英语牛津译林版《Grammar:Comparative and superlative adjectives》优质课课件 精益求精教学目标复习形容词比较级和最高级的构成复习形容词三级的基本用法复习形容词三级的常见转化一 比较等级的构成1 短词多加er/est结尾(更/最)⑴一般加er/est taller/est cleverer/est⑵以e结尾的加r/st later...
《Grammar:Comparative and superlative adjectives》教学资源 [课件] 八年级上册初中英语《Grammar:Comparative and superlative adjectives》公开课课件牛津译林版 Her eyes are bigger than mine.But I am slimmer than she.Her English is better than mine.But her Chinese is worse than mine .She is heavier tha...