snotasstupidashelooks!Comparative/superlativeofadverbs(副词)•1-syllableadverbs:add-er/-est:•Icanrunfasterthanyou./Icanrunthefastestinmyclass.•Sheworksharderthanme./Sheworksthehardestofallstudents.Otheradverbs:usemore/themost •Sheranmorequicklythanme./Ofallthestudentssheranthemostquickly.
She ran **fastest**. 1. **题目要求**: 本题考察比较级和最高级的副词用法,要求根据 Millie、Sandy 和 Amy 在比赛中的名次,填写 Sandy 和 Amy 跑步的速度。 2. **已知**: Millie 跑得“快 (fast)”,Sandy 比 Millie 跑得快,Amy 跑得最快。 3. **比较级**: 当两者进行比较时,形容词或副词需...
comparative and superlative of adverbs为了构成以-ly结尾的副词的比较级与最ending in -ly, we add(1)and(2)before them.高级,我们在它们前面加(1)和(2)●For adverbs that do not end in -ly and have the same form对于不以-ly结尾且与形容词同形的副as the adjectives, we often add(3)and(4)...
Learn what comparative and superlative adjectives are in English. See examples of when and how to use comparative and superlative adjectives, and...
an adjective or another adverb. Adjectives and adverbs describe other words (things). Both have two additional forms: A comparative form which compares two things, and a superlative form which compares three or more things. The following are examples of the rule mentioned earlier (using "big" ...
So, this was all aboutsuperlatives and comparatives. Going through the above examples will help you understand the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of adjectives. Knowing the difference between the three of them and how they should be used in your sentences or while you are engaging ...
Comparative and superlative adverbs副词的比较级和最高级We can form comparative and superlative adverbs in我们可以用与构成形容词比较级和最高the same way we form comparative and superlative级一样的方法来构成副词的比较级和adjectives.最高级。TIP提示The following adverbs have the same form as the下面的...
Write the comparative and superlative degree of the following adjectives and adverbs(分别写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式) Model: young younger youngest wonderfully more wonderfully most wonderfully (1) dirty (2) busy (3) wide (4) hot (5) clearly (6) fast (7) many/much ...
Like adjectives, some adverbs can express the three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative. Below are examples of the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of some adverbs:POSITIVE soonnearsweetlyearlyslowlatequickfastbright COMPARATIVE soonernearermore sweetlyearlierslowerlater...
Adjectivesandadverbsarewordsthatmodifyotherwords.Thecomparativeformofanadjectiveoradverbcomparestwothings.Thesuperlativeformofanadjectiveoradverbcomparesthreeofmorethings.BrainPop Adjectives ExamplesAdjectives large larger largest Thefirstappleislarge.Thesecondappleis...