Language Focus: Changing adjectives to comparative and superlative form Worksheet Download:comparative-superlative-worksheet-esl.docx(scroll down to study the exercises online) Jump to: Comparatives,Superlatives,Exercises Review: Making Sentences in Comparative Form ...
Give out the “Adjectives & comparatives pictures” worksheet to each student. Students continue to work in their same teams. Have students, using the objects and word cards at the front of the class for reference, draw pictures next to the words in the “adjectives” column (e.g. draw a...
Prepare a worksheet with problems and/ or opportunities that a company, government, charity etc might have to decide what to do about, such as “The office rent is getting slightly higher every year” and “We increase pay at the rate of inflation every year, but if we do that again thi...
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This resource can be used as a part of a standalone grammar lesson, but it has been specifically designed to go with this set of Comparative and Superlative Teaching Slides. What’s included in this Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs grammar worksheet set? ...