The sentences in (13) are truth-conditionally equivalent: ‘the number of books that I bought is bigger than 2’; but they differ on the surface depending on whether the NPlibros‘books’ is immediately adjacent to the numeral in (13a) or immediately adjacent tomásin (13b). Comparative num...
In order to describe penguin behavioral and personality aspects, in the second part of the questionnaire were included 31 adjectives (Table S2), which were rated on a scale of 1 (trait never exhibited) to 12 (trait always exhibited), depending on how well they described each penguin [23,24...
While prenominal adjectives and quantifiers are prevalent across Chinese languages, e.g., Yichun Gan san34 pun42 xao42 ɕy34 [three CLF good book] 'three good books', northwestern Mandarin also allows postnominal adjectives as in Wutun and postnominal quantifiers as in Tangwang, Wutun and...