Once registered in New Zealand Tax Department, an LLC can also be used as an agent, so it can enter into an agency agreement where it becomes an agent to an offshore entity in other jurisdiction and the company earns minimal commission or flat fee on which it pays a standard rate of co...
As part of our package, we can provide the necessary registration so there will be no non-resident withholding tax deducted at the source, but instead a minimal 2% levy. This is the 'Approved Issuer Levy' structure where the FSP is registered as an Approved Issuer. A NZ FSP is subject t...
The tax credit on the adjusted loss before tax was £13m, and the total effective tax rate for the period to 31 December 2023 was 5.4% which is predominantly due to recognising deferred tax on accelerated capital allowances and UK tax losses, as well as movements in deferred tax on the...
A company has authorized capital of 50,000, 5% preference shares of $2 each and 500,000 ordinary shares with a par value of 20c each. All of the preference shares have been issued. Only 400,000 ordinary shares have been issued. They were is..
The effect of exchange rate movements on the translation of overseas profits decreased the Group's adjusted profit before tax for the year by £6.2m compared with 2023, primarily due to the weakness of the Argentine Peso and Russian Ruble against Sterling during the year. ...