Company strike off, also referred to as Dissolution, is the process by which a Company is removed from the Registrar. There are many who would like to dissolve a company after they have completed their business goals, or who do not want to use a company anymore for some reason. Setting ...
We can complete and file all of the necessary documentation to properly dissolve (close) your company. What is company dissolution? To dissolve (close) or ‘strike off’ your company is to remove it from the official Companies House register. When choosing to close (dissolve) your company, ...
The application to strike-off a company from the Companies Register can be rejected if the company is found to have outstanding debts. In this case any debts must be settled before the company dissolution can be actioned, or if the company is insolvent t
The company named has applied to the Registrar to be struck off the Register and dissolved. Please note that on dissolution any remaining assets will be passed to the Crown. The Registrar will strike the company off the register unless there is reasonable cause not to do so. Guidance is ...
As for striking off, the Registrar of Companies may strike the name of a company off the Companies Register under Division 1 of Part 15 of the Companies Ordinance where the Registrar has reasonable cause to believe that the company is not in operation or carrying on business.The company shall...
Company strike off - also known as dissolution - and liquidation are two business closure processes with key differences. What do they mean for directors?
01Striking Off a Company Pursuant to Section 344 of the Companies Act (Cap. 50) (the “Companies Act”), a company may apply to theAccounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority(“ACRA”) to strike off in Singapore if it is not carrying on business or is not in operation and is able to...
are one time only and hence not practical for a company to hire a resource for the same. The formation of the company, its dissolution, re-registration, strike offs, name change, restructuring, floatation of shares are some of the events in which acorporate secretarial serviceis of ...
A company may apply to the Registrar of Companies and request to be struck off the register. The Registrar has the ability to strike a company off the register, thereby dissolving it. A company can also be struck off by the Registrar if he believes that the company is no longer carrying ...
As for striking off, the Registrar of Companies may strike the name of a company off the Companies Register under Division 1 of Part 15 of the Companies Ordinance where the Registrar has reasonable cause to believe that the company is not in operation or carrying on business.The company shall...