Under the law, you have to notify the Hong Kong Companies Registrywithin 15 daysof the address change. Failure to do so on time will attract a steep level 5 fine which can translate into a fine of up to HK$50,000 and a further $1000 for each day the offence continues. Natura...
We compile all of the necessary paperwork, get it e-signed by you, and then submit it to the Corporate Registry in order to register your firm. We offer you a viable solution to regulatory needs, such as seasoned corporate secretaries who can respond quickly online, a registered address , ...
we offer a suite ofcompany formation servicesfromcompany registration, incorporation, setting up addresses to opening bank accounts. CORE is the bridge between your company and Companies Registry in HK; from incorporation applications to helping your business set up an address in Hong Kong, we will...
The Hong Kong company registration process requires certain basic incorporation requirements to be fulfilled. These includeselecting a suitable company namethat complies with the naming guidelines issued by the Companies Registry. It is important to note that certain terms may require prior approval or a...
For the registration of a Branch Office in Hong Kong, a foreign company must register with the Companies Registry as a non-Hong Kong company and, after that, a Business Registration Certificate (BRC). Generally, the branch offices of foreign companies are subject to similar tax and legal regul...
3. Provision of information: The Hong Kong Company Registry provides information on registered companies to the public. This information includes the company's name, registration number, registered office address, and other relevant details. 4. Enforcement of the Companies Ordinance: The Hong Kong Com...
It is enough to have an address, where government letters can be posted to. Swisstank can provide you with a registered address as well as a Corporate Secretarial Service. Then, check whether your proposed name has already been registered with theCompanies Registry. It can be in Roman script ...
Choose unique names, so before deciding on a name, you need to check it in the name registry. Legal address registration. Choosing the CEO. Choosing a secretary. Shareholders’ meeting. According to Hong Kong law, there can be up to 50 shareholders. Citizenship is not important. Authorized...
Registered non-Hong Kong company & company registry - Read how to set-up a business in Hong Kong as a foreigner & other important points before you start.
Incorporating your company with the Hong Kong Companies Registry is a straightforward process. You can submit the incorporation documents in one of the following ways: Online submission through e-Registry Portal Send by mail to the Companies Registry’s address to 14/F, Queensway Government Offices,...