entity a reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text Attributes Luaskan tabel NameDescriptionFirst Included in Instance RecId Group/CompanyNAFCode CompanyIdNAF Group/CompanyNAFCode Name Group/CompanyNAFCode DataAreaId Group/CompanyNAFCode Relationship_Compan...
ChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc. ChinaVision Media Group Ltd Chinasing Investment Holdings Ltd Chinasoft International Ltd Chinawe.com Inc. Chindex International Inc Chinese Estates Holdings Ltd. Chinese Food and Beverage Group Limited Chinese People Holdings Co Ltd Chinese Strategic Holdings...
Gruppo MutuiOnline Spa Gruschwitz Textilwerke AG (Germany, Fed. Rep.) Guillemot Corp. S.A. (France) Guinness Peat Group Plc Gulf International Bank (UK) Ltd. Gulfsands Petroleum Plc Gum (A O Torgovy Dom) (Russia) Gunnebo AB (Sweden) Gurit Holding AG Guy Degrenne SA (Franc...
By default, Business Central online comes with one configuration package for Microsoft's default application, including local functionality. You can copy that and make relevant changes in the copy.Many of our reselling partners create a configuration package for each functional area. For example, ...
You can hide or showMicrosoft Entra Enterprise applications,Office Online applications, andConfiguration Manager applicationsin the Company Portal for each end user.Showwill cause the Company Portal to display the entire applications catalog from the chosen Microsoft service(s) assigned to the user.Micro...
Word Cloud by Textvis (Independent Publisher) Word Online (Business) WordPress Workable (Independent Publisher) Workday HCM Working days (Independent Publisher) WorkMobile WorkPoint WorkSpan World Academia WorldTime (Independent Publisher) Worldwide Bank Holidays (Independent Publisher) WPForms by Reenhanced...
Driving innovation alongside our partners The MongoDB Application Delivery Certification includes exclusive, partner-only, online learning and hands-on labs, as well as a proctored certification exam that teaches application delivery fundamentals and implementation best practices. Partners can expect ...
Goodwill Group of Concerns Project Nature Web Designing and Promotions Project Rating ★★★ ★★★ 4.9 / 5 View Project Online Portals / Apps Country India Client Tronix Bazaar Project Nature Online / Mobile Application Project Rating ★★★ ★...
HashiCorp helps organizations automate hybrid cloud environments with a unified approach to Infrastructure and Security Lifecycle Management.
we offer ablog writing servicethat will get your business introduced in the online community. As every age demographic has access to the Internet in some form or another, you must be aware of what roles and responsibilities you have to your readers or viewers. Digital Shift can help to get...