During the Spring Rasputitsa in early 1943, the Red Army launched a series of counteroffensives against German lines in the southwest. While initially successful, the Germans regrouped and managed to regain the momentum to recapture Kharkov.
In the winter of 1942, the Red Army fought valiantly to hold the capital of Stalingrad against a seemingly unstoppable German advance. At great cost and against all odds, the Soviets managed to stop the fascist advance and began their counter attack with
CompanyOfHeroes2 更多《英雄连2》德军dlc通关心得CompanyOfHeroes2相关信息请 点击这里获得类别:游戏攻略 类目:即时战略 德军DLC通关心得 一、双人合作战役 本人只打过了普通难度,将军难度真心伤不起。这关的特点在于只能出一类单位(载具或者步兵),我选择的是载具。一开始基地位于地图后方,盟友的基地被卡在地图中央...
《英雄连2》德军dlc通关心得CompanyOfHeroes2 更多《英雄连2》德军dlc通关心得CompanyOfHeroes2相关信息请点击这里获得(http:\/\/.350356\/) 类别:游戏攻略 类目:即时战略 德军DLC通关心得 一、双人合作战役 本人只打过了普通难度,将军难度真心伤不起。这关的特点在于只能出一类单位(...
Company of Heroes 2 - The British Forces: From History to Gameplay, Part 2 1:36 Company of Heroes 2 The British Forces — Know Your Units: Emplacements 1:16 Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces - Know Your Units: Sniper 1:30 Company of Heroes 2 The British Forces - Know Your Un...
Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition PC ¥ 108.89 立即购买 -63% Farming Simulator 22 PC ¥ 117.89 立即购买 -58% Ready or Not PC ¥ 172.39 立即购买 信息 通过CDKeys.com获得即时下载 本产品包括《英雄连2》--《斯大林格勒的胜利》任务包PC--DLC。需要基本游戏。 玩《英雄连2》--《斯大林...
This product includes Company of Heroes 2 - Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack PC - DLC. Base game required. The top 3 reasons to play Company of Heroes 2 - Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack PC - DLC Take command of the Red Army in a series of scenarios, challenges and battles based ...
Doch seit dem Release von Company of Heroes 2 und diversen DLC ist das Interesse und Community-Engagement stark gesunken. Dieser Umstand hat dazu geführt, dass sich das äusserst lebendige Forum in ein statisches Textarchiv verwandelt hat. ...
《英雄连2》(英文名:Company of Heroes 2)是由Relic Entertainment开发,由世嘉公司于2013年6月25日发行的即时战略游戏,本部作品是2006年《英雄连》的续作,但战场转移到了东线战场,着重叙述苏联红军与东线德军在战场上的殊死对抗。世嘉在2014年6月24日发售了第一部资料片《英雄连2:西线军团》(Company of Heroes ...