1. Companies House官方网站 作为英国公司注册局,Companies House官方网站(www.gov.uk/get-information-about-a-company)是查询英国公司存续状态的最可靠和直接的途径。在该网站上,您可以通过输入公司名称、注册号或其它标识符来获取相关信息。在搜索结果页面上,您将获得有关公司的基本信息,包括公司名称、注册号、注册...
Streamlining access: Companies House joins GOV.UK One Login Read more UK - October 22, 2024 UK Tax Planning Webinar: Post-Budget Impact Assessment Read more UK - September 6, 2024 New UK Labour government sets out changes to the taxation of non-doms Read more UK - September 6, 2024...
首先打开网页登陆英国公司注册处Companies House(Companies House就是类似于国内工商局) 英国公司注册处Companies House链接:gov.uk/government/organ 接着点击开始一个公司Starting a company 点进去后就会出现下图的界面 选择您要注册的公司类型,然后点击注册。 一般来说有三种注册公司方式。 第一种是Electronic Software...
Java service for handling company level appointment data (company officer appointments) - companieshouse/company-appointments.api.ch.gov.uk
Find and update company information – GOV.UK Free company information fr... 标签:世界名站 链接直达手机查看 Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity...
The government defines an «officer» of a UK company as a director, manager or (company) secretary. These are the people who run or own the company. Companies House needs to know the details of these people as you carry out the company registration process. And if things change down ...
[1]http://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/en... I am trying to ascertain whether there is any third-party intellectual property in the address information within that dataset that is not covered by the licence. Specifically, I am trying to find out: 1...
UK Readymade Company A ready-made or off-the-shelf company is an old pre-registered company at Companies House which has not been used yet. You can get a ready-made company instantly and start trading without any delay. An aged ready-made company can help your business to build a good...
UK companies are regulated under the Companies Act 2006. The UK Companies House is the governing authority. In terms of confidentiality, it is important to know that, upon registration of the company, the names of company officers will appear on public record. A register of “people with signi...
If you have any queries please contact the Companies House Contact Centre on +44 (0)303 1234 500 or email enquiries@companies-house.gov.uKNote: This email was sent from a notification-only email address which cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply directly to this message.If you...