director oftwocompanieswhichhavegone into liquidationwithin five years of each other and that person's conduct [...] 根據第 157E 條,倘㆒名㆟士曾擔任兩 間公司的董事,該兩間公司在相距不足五年的時間內分別清盤,而該㆟士作為該等公 司的董事,其行為使其不宜參與任...
a company goes bust informal (=goes bankrupt)a company goes to the wall informal (=goes bankrupt)a company goes into liquidation (=is closed and sold in order to pay its debts)company + NOUNcompany policyIt is not company policy to give that information.a company director/executiveHe earns...
52 Jobs Axed at Drugs Firm; Pharmaceuticals Company Gone into LiquidationDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
the distribution oftheassets ofacompanythathas gone into liquidation from a winding up. 對股 東而言,這亦有相當吸引力,因為公司如果清盤,他們在公司資產分配的名單㆗通常 排名最後。 After all, employees are the ...
When companies go into liquidation customers can be at the back of the queue when it comes to getting money back. For more information if you have been involved visit the Citizens Advice
The Tasmanian company has gone into voluntary liquidation and should it not fulfil its contractual obligations, Mr van Lieshout will regain control of 300 hectares of land at Kun- ghur he leased six years ago. The land is home to about 240,000 hardwood eucalypts worth about $10.5million wh...
1 Predictingcompanyfailure AunivariatemodelSomeoftheearliestanalysiswascarriedoutbyBeaver(1966).Hisanalysisinvolvedtheuseofasinglevariable(financialratio)topredictfailure.Hisanalysisindicatedthatthedistributionofthevariablefordistressedfirmswilldiffersystematicallyfromthatinnon-distressedfirms.Hiscontentionwasthatthis...
Although the materials were delivered, they have not been paid for and Doc has learned that Ed Ltd has just gone into insolvent liquidation. (4 marks) (b) Doc had employed a salesman, Fitt, whose contract of employment contained a clause preventing him, Fitt, from approaching any of Doc’...
beadministeredbyalicencedinsolvency practitioner,itisnotarequirementofaCVAthatthecompanybe insolvent,thismeansthatactioncanbetakenearlyatthefirstsignsof distress.ACVAcanstandaloneorsupplementotherinsolvency procedures,forexample,administration.ACVAcanevenbeproposed afteracompanyhasgoneintoliquidation. Itisfairtosaythat...
Most companies are "limited" companies. This means that any shareholder who has paid for the share(s) which he has bought cannot be forced to pay more money into the company if, for example, it is making losses or has gone into liquidation. Thus, the maximum amount of money any sharehol...