Corporate Directory help to find best, top rated, relevent and detailed information of companies in India, which includes company information, company directors, partners information, shareholders information, company address, directors and partners cont
All information related to Directors in a Private Limited company. Get to know the types of Directors in a company & the minimum/maximum number of director(s) a company can have.
Indian Railways Director, Company Secretarial job vacancy at IRCTC through PESBIndian Railways Director
com·pa·ny (kŭm′pə-nē)·pa·nies 1.A group of persons:a company of scientists. 2. a.One's companions or associates:moved in fast company; is known by the company she keeps. b.A guest or guests:had company for the weekend. ...
Microsoft Corporation (India) Private Limited: An information technology company with its registered office in Delhi. Types of Private Limited Company There are three types of Private Limited Company registrations, and entrepreneurs can choose the one that best suits the needs of their business. ...
He became a director and later, as governor of the East India Company in 1672, he arranged a contract which included a loan of £20,000 and £30,000 worth of saltpetre—also known as potassium nitrate, a primary ingredient in gunpowder—for the King "at the price it shall sell by ...
No Government Fees –Trademark Public Search has no Government Fees, its an Open source database that can be accessed by anyone via the Trademark Public Search Portal of the IP India website, but interpreting the information is something that can only be interpreted by highly skilled and Trained...
HOW TO REGISTER A COMPANY IN INDIA: STEP BY STEP PROCESS OF FORMATION AND REGISTRATION Step 1:Acquire Director Identification Number (DIN); Step 2:Acquire Digital Signature Certificate (DSC); Step 3:Approval of company’s name (Availability of names, check to see if the name is distinct); ...
All directors must be individuals and at least one of them must be a resident of India (having stayed in India for not less than 182 days during the financial year). Director Identification Number (DIN): Each director must possess a valid DIN, which is necessary for the incorporation ...
Founder & Lab Director Sunflower Laboratory & Diagnostics Tailwind’s in-depth research and detailed reports help me manage and track my investments. The best thing is you get details of your investment every month. Kiran Patel Joint Managing Director ...