Establish a clear company credit card policy:Set rules on credit card usage and expense policy. Communicate these guidelines to your employees while making sure to instil protocols to protect your company from financial violations. Defining member responsibilities:Informyour team members on the distinctio...
We at CompanyCam, Inc. (“we,”“us,” or“CompanyCam”) respect your privacy. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies when you visit our website, (“Website”), when you use our web and mobile applications (“Apps,” and together with the Web...
We may use these automated technologies on our Online Services to collect information about your equipment, browsing actions, and usage patterns. These technologies help us (1) remember your information so you do not have to re-enter it; (2) track and understand how you use and interact with...
Payment information (e.g., credit card) when making a transaction; Demographic information; Preferences (e.g., on foods/recipe interests, website usage, grocery store chains, and input provided by participating in marketing focus groups and surveys); and Order and purchase information. Social Med...
Payment information (e.g., credit card) when making a transaction; Demographic information; Preferences (e.g., on foods/recipe interests, website usage, grocery store chains, and input provided by participating in marketing focus groups and surveys); and Order and purchase information. Social Med...
You are solely responsible for all usage or activity on your account including, but not limited to, use of the account by any person who uses your Registration Information, with or without authorization, or who has access to any computer on which your account resides or is accessible. If ...
Log and Usage Information, including the date and time you access the Website, the site you came from and/or the site you visit when you leave the Website, the frequency with which you access and use the Website, the pages that you navigate to, links that you click, and other informa...
and Facebook Pay. and resides on such third-party vendor’s website via a dedicated page or portal. YOU SHOULD REVIEW THE APPLICABLE VENDORS’ TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. All credit card, debit card and other monetary transactions on or through the Site occur through an online payme...
Our Privacy Policy Last updated: 1/1/2025 This website is owned and operated by SpartanNash Company and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively,
Stated clearly and accessible to every user, here is our privacy policy and terms in regards to the conditions of usage on the MEmob+ website