above them all, taking the brunt of pest attacks. (See more below.) Of course, any nectar-rich flowers such aszinnia, comfrey, and ageratum will attract pollinators such as bees to the garden and help to boost the pollination of flowering crop plants like tomatoes, beans, and squash. ...
Foes:Poor companion plants for peppers include pole beans as vines can get tangled among the pepper plants. Garden favorites from the brassica family, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, are not good companion plants for peppers because they take similar nutrients from the soil and tend ...
Carrots make great companion plants for cabbage,due to different growth habitsand little to no shared pests, and they both can grow well in cooler weather.Carrots take up garden spaceprimarily underground (though they can get tall tops depending on the variety). Cabbage needs less root space an...
and is comprised of dry beans, winter squash and corn. A strategy dating back to early Native American agriculture practices, the Three Sisters work together to protect and nourish one another, improving yields for each plant. But those aren’t the only plants corn can befriend in your garden...
The Ultimate Online Companion Planting Chart What do you want to plant? Browse Our Free Companion Planting Charts We have just 1 simple goal- Help gardeners figure out the best plants, flowers, vegetables, and herbs to plant together for the best
In a bed system versus mounds, I tend to max corn and beans through the center and stick whichever squash varieties I want on the ends of short beds, or create breaks with double or triple squash plants every 10-12’ on long beds. Others break up hilled rows and beds in smaller repea...
Radishesare one of those crops that too many gardeners forget to plant. The flowers of radishes, if left in the ground, will attract beneficial insects and confuse pests as they look for your bean plants. 9. Squash Another member of the Three Sisters issquashso that you can grow winter sq...
Pumpkins/Squash Onions Fennel Carrots Turnips Good Neighbor Plants for Potatoes Include: Knowing what not to plant near your potatoes is certainly important, however knowing the comprehensive list of what does work well nearby, opens up a myriad of planting options for your garden. Potatoes are de...