In the garden:Plant near tomatoes, brassicas, and peas. Deters white cabbage moths, aphids, and flea beetles. Grows well with:Oregano.NOTparsley. (Note:It’s best to plant mint near a companion plant or in its own pot or bed, as it’s a very vigorous spreader!) In the kitchen:It ...
Need plant-specific growing advice? Read through our manyGrowing Guidesfor vegetables, fruit, flowers, and herbs. Companion planting can indeed help gardeners to grow in step with nature, but what we know about this powerful tool is constantly evolving. Further research over the coming years will...
Currently viewing: Companion Plants - Companion Plants | Ohio Medicinal Plants, Herbs & Seeds for Sale - | Anthemis nobilis | plant | Roman Chamomile | Perennial |Request Price List Online Store Create an Account Log In 7247 N. Coolville Ridge Road Athens, Ohio 45701 (740)592-4643 (740...
If you love growing herbs, be sure to check out theseherbs that grow in shadeand herbs to consider for yourmedicinal herb garden. LAVENDER Lavender’s soothing smell doesn’t appeal to the insects coming to ravage your zucchini plant! Enjoy its gorgeous blooms in the garden and harvest some ...
Companion planting is a great way to maximize the efficiency of your garden. For almost every vegetable you grow, there is likely to be a beneficial companion plant that will helpincrease soil nutrients, chase away pests, and help you get the most out of your garden.Here’s a list of the...
Choose companions with similar light and nutritional needs that also repel pests, increase yield, or are simply beautiful. Plant flowers, legumes, aromatic herbs, or strut your know-how and grow all of them. You have infinite gardening possibilities right at your fingertips this season and every...
If you’ve ever planted a garden, you’ve probably wondered what to plant next to each other, and if certain plants do better with others. Enter: companion planting. Share What Is Companion Planting? Companion planting is the practice of strategically placing vegetables or herbs next to one ...
A common quote on the internet, “It’s best to use strongly scented plants for companion planting because they confuse pests looking for their host plant.” This is a commonly voiced opinion, and it usually follows with a list of fragrant plants that make good companion plants, such as ...
These herbs are excellent companions for lettuce for a few different reasons. Yarrow is an ideal companion plant for most species, but when combined with sweet alyssum, they can help to keep your lettuce beds from being annihilated by bothaphidsand caterpillars. ...
Mixed plantings present a dizzying menu of colors, scents, and ripening fruit that can confuse a pest looking for a particular plant to munch on. But keep in mind that although some vegetables may look very different, they may be closely related and therefore attract some of the same pests...