RUN YOUR OWN EVENTS FROM ANYWHERE Stage your own tournaments with the capability to host up to eight friends in the Home Tournament Organizer. You add the names, the app tracks pairing + standings. Easy! Introducing Magic: The Gathering Companion ...
IOS 用户可以直接在 APP Store 搜索🔍Magic:The GatheringCompanion下载 Android 用户可以长按下方二维码或点击文末阅读原文获取安装包下载安装。 如何登录? 你可以使用您的威世智账号(MTGA 邮箱及登录密码)登录,如果没有注册过您可以直接点击注册。 如何加入比赛? 您可以在下方菜单栏找到...
Introducing the official Magic: The Gathering Companion App, the quickest way to participate in events at your store - Show up. Magic Companion does the rest. -…
Introducing the official Magic: The Gathering Companion App, the quickest way to participate in events at your store - Show up. Magic Companion does the rest. - Built in Life Counter - The Official Magic App for Store Events - Get Event Pairs & Standings ...
The Development of Magic: the Gathering Companion Hipsters of the Coast: How long has Magic: The Gathering Companion been in development? Bill Stark:The Magic: The Gathering Companion app has been in development for most of this year, but that’s a little misleading. The backend servic...
Personal Magic the Gathering card manager Deck Builder, Collection Editor and prices scrapper Help MTGCompanion is developped with many contributors, and is and will remain open source. Online service ( like Discord bot, Websites) are hosted on my own server, and DNS are paid on my a person...
Art of Magic the Gathering Deviant Art Art of MTG Tumbler account (Note: we are a big fan of and were even going to add automatic downloads from their site into the app using their web API, but they only provide low resolution art crops from cards that just arnt up to ...
Nexus is the ultimate app for Magic the Gathering commander players. Nexus was designed to let everyone control their own life and more from their own devices w…
An easy way to play the Planechase variant for tabletop Magic the Gathering. - Support both classic Planechase and the eternities map variant - Show the cards in 4 different orientations to allow all players around the table to read the text easily - Import any custom Planechase card made by...
MTG Companion is a great application to have when you are playing your favorite card game, Magic The Gathering. It includes a life counter tool, with built in dice roll to determine who goes first, and a game reference with over 200 definitions so you can look up almost anything during ...