I tuck culinary herbs all over the garden, too. Basil repels flies, mosquitoes, aphids, and spider mites. Yarrow can enhance the flavor and scent of some other plants, so I like to work with the herbs and the yarrow together. Rosemary and sage deter carrot flies, and rosemary also slows...
Companion planting is a technique that has been used for centuries by gardeners and farmers worldwide. Companion plants are basically different plants planted together – plants that are beneficial to each other. Here’s a great example! The Native Americans used a technique calledThe Three Sisters...
BORAGE, Borage is a large, sprawling, hairy annual with star-shaped, blue flowers. It is an edible flower (with edible leaves), and is one particularly good companion plant for tomatoes. It is an excellent plant for attracting bees. When planted nearby, it deters tomato hornworms (a type...
Shop Basil Seeds on Amazon.com from $1.59 Beans Plant Beans with companions ———- Shop Bean Seeds on Amazon.com from $1.59 Beets Plant beets with companions ———- Shop Beet Seeds on Amazon.com from $1.59 Blueberry Plant blueberries with companions ———- Shop Blueberry Seeds on Amazo...
same time, tansy repels many typical baddies, such as cutworm, which attacks asparagus, bean, cabbage, carrot, celery, corn, lettuce, pea, pepper, potato, and tomato plants. Tansy is a perennial, which means you only have to plant it once. What more could you want in a garden flower?
plants can conceal cannabis from onlooker’s eyes. Those interested in keeping their cannabis plants a secret can benefit from a sunflower’s nearly 10 foot height. The plant also improves soil through its root network: it boosts drainage in the garden, fostering a better environment for plants...
Sunflowers.Still, one of my favorites as they are beautiful and you can make sunflower seeds to eat after they have done their time making you smile. Tomatoes.Definitely one of my favorite foods and it is so versatile. You can make tomato sauce, pizza sauce, ketchup and much more with ...
While asparagus and strawberries are also compatible neighbors as their roots spread in different ways, so they don't compete for space or nutrients. Flower companion plants for strawberries (Image credit: Unsplash) Growing ornamentals among your edible crops not only looks lovely, adding color ...
Still, sunflowersattract an array of beesand beneficial predators that aid your garden. I like planting them along fence lines on the north side of the garden so they don’t cast a big shadow. This is less of an issue if you grow dwarf sunflower varieties. ...
Rhododendron is a wonderful flower to plant with blueberries. They like acidic soil, but need shade rather than full sun. If you have highbush blueberries, rhododendrons appreciate the shade, and in return, keep the soil shaded themselves making for moist soil in the heat of the day. ...