“Hympulso” will have a comprehensive nature, as it will activate the entire renewable hydrogen value chain, from generation to consumption, in the railway system. It will also allow us to analyze the impact that the energy transition will have on the different assets of the railway infrastruct...
Minh Khoi Le,Rystad Energy 氢研究主管 了解Rystad Energy氢解决方案的更多信息。 根据美国通货膨胀削减法案,当生命周期碳强度低于每千克氢气 4 千克二氧化碳当量时,公司就有资格获得生产税抵免 (PTC)。如果氢气生产达到每公斤氢气 0.45 公斤二氧化碳当量的碳强度阈值,则最高 PTC 等级将给予每公斤 3 美元的补贴。因...
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology: The BMW Group is working on a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle, the BMW i-Hydrogen NEXT. Hydrogen automobiles generate their own power and are not powered by a built-in battery, unlike other electric vehicles. eDrive Technology:The BMW eDrive technology is pres...
Energy companies have partnered on a green hydrogen project in Finland based just outside of Helsinki.
On Aug 22, 2019, Nissan’s ProPilot Assist was one of the first super-advanced driver-aid suites to be widely available in an affordable car. Nissan’s not doing Version 2.0 by itself, which makes us even more excited — because it’s working with Intel’s Mobileye to power its hands-...
SMFG: Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, SMBC Group, is one of the Japanese major financial group. We have been actively working in hydrogen sector in pursuit of a sustainable society. We invest in Mirai (meaning “future” in English) Creation Fund I & II in order to provide funds for comp...
“JETRO”. In the presence of representatives of some major international companies working in the field of green hydrogen, and SCZONE leaders. This is within the framework of identifying the serious steps taken by the economic zone towards localizing this important industry as well as the ...
uncommon process. According to David Tze, CEO of the microbial-protein company NovoNutrients, which is currently working to branch out from industrial fish meal to human food, the segment of the microbial-protein industry powered by hydrogen is likely to set up shop wherever hydrogen is ch...
The Asia-Pacific region has the scope and potential to become a hydrogen superpower, said analysts. China is already the world’s largest hydrogen producer and c...
Large swaths of the global economy are nearly impossible to electrify but could run on low-emissions hydrogen, helping the world transition away from fossil fuels. Electric Hydrogen is working toward more efficient, affordable production of green hydrogen. ...