In order to deal with the environmental problems effectively, firms should adopt a proactive strategy to convert the pressures into leading competitiveness. Because environmental management system (EMS) concept addresses some issues similar to those of quality management, the possibilities of using ...
Those that do are reaping benefits for themselves and for than 50 percent of executives consider sustainability—the management of environmental, social, and governance issues—“very” or “extremely” important in a wide range of areas, including new-product development, reputation building, and ...
The analyzed codes deal in average with four pro-environmental behavior types. The most common are the prescriptions of environmental responsibility and general nature respect. Some companies state climate-friendly behavior. It is established that company location is somewhat important determinant of the ...
The regulator survey helped uncover several possible actions that carriers could implement—both within and outside the organization—to boost their climate readiness over the long term. The survey results were supplemented by interviews with rating agencies and leading environmental and risk managemen...
EZ: “This is a special form of investing which currently represents a small part of the ESG universe but it is growing steadily. It involves investing in companies that have a measurable impact on environment or social issues, such as access to water, medical care or environmental conditions....
We highlight that carbon dioxide emissions, energy use, water and waste production scale with the size according to a power law. This can be used as a benchmark to assess unambiguously a company’s environmental performance. We find that the adopted Environmental, Social & Governance rating is...
(EPS). The results show a strong correlation betweenGIandEP, indicating that businesses’ growing use of green initiatives is essential for raising environmental sustainability. The study also shows thatPE,TC, andEPhave an inverse relationship, indicating the need for more supportive governmental ...
Social factors: a broad spectrum of issues with specific risks for companies The category of social risk covers a much more disparate set of issues than the environmental factors we explored in the last blog in this series. But like the environment, recent trends have led to social risks becom...
Amandine Van Den Berghe, lawyer with environmental organisation ClientEarth, says: “The climate, biodiversity and pollution crises are here now and already causing business disruption. Continuing with business as usual — or, worse, deregulating — is condemning our economy as well as people’s he...
Work-Life Balance in Great Companies and Pending Issues for Engaging New Generations at Work The changing nature of employment and work causes new demands in society, such as work-life balance, that has emerged in labor relations as an important as... MIS Hernandez,OR González-López,MB Mateo...