How to fill in the NAR1 (Annual Return) form? For the NAR1 form i.e. Annual Return form for Hong Kong Companies Registry, you will have to fill in the following information. Enter the company number and the company name. The company number and company name must be the same ones as ...
Companies Registry 公司註冊處 Termination of Registration of Authorized Representative of a Non-Hong Kong Company 非香港公司終止 授權代表的登記 (Companies Ordinance s. 333B) (《公司條例》第 333B 條) Form 表格 N2 Important Notes 重要事項 Please read the accompanying notes before completing this for...
Annual Maintenance filings – Hong Kong A Hong Kong limited company and its officers are required to ensure timely filing of statutory returns with the Companies Registry in strict compliance with the requirements of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. If a company fails ...
Note: data on dissolutions are not reliable after 16-Nov-2020, when we started our last complete scan of the registry. On 22-Nov-2020, the registry implemented a new captcha system, preventing further data collection. The limited data available on (comprising delayed weekly ...
The Hong Kong OFC An OFC is an open-ended fund in corporate form domiciled in Hong Kong. Unlike a limited partnership, an OFC is a separate legal entity with a board of directors; each director owes fiduciary duties and statutory duties of care, skill...
The comparatively flat region of submerged land extending seaward from beyond the region where breakers form to the edge of the continental shelf.·shored,off·shor·ing,off·shores To outsource (production or services) to another country. ...
CompaniesRegistry表格 FormND2A 公司編號CompanyNumber 1公司名稱CompanyName 2公司秘書/董事的停任CessationtoActasCompanySecretary/Director (如超過一名公司秘書/董事停任,請用續頁A填報UseContinuationSheetAifmorethan1companysecretary/directorceasedtoact) A.現時在公司註冊處登記的詳情ParticularsCurrentlyRegisteredwith...
account tocontact us. When you give us your information, you do not need to spend any cost. Our goal is to help every business growth. This information may have been updated since the last change,please visit the official website of hong kong companies registry to check the latest results...
account tocontact us. When you give us your information, you do not need to spend any cost. Our goal is to help every business growth. This information may have been updated since the last change,please visit the official website of hong kong companies registry to check the latest results...