so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to be the articles of association of that company framed in accordance with the provisions of the Act:
1 CompaniesAct(PartI,PartII,PartIIIandPartIV) (ActNo.86ofJuly26,2005) PARTIGeneralProvisions ChapterICommonProvisions (Purpose) Article1Theformation,organization,operationandmanagementofcompanies shallbegovernedbytheprovisionsofthisAct,exceptasotherwiseprovidedby otheracts. (Definitions) Article2InthisAct,...
Section 4: Private and public companies Section 4 merely restates the provisions of Section 1(3) of the 1985 Act. Thus a ‘private company’ is defined as any company that is not a public company, and one that may not offer shares to the public. A ...
Status:ThisversionofthisActcontainsprovisionsthatareprospective. editorialteamtoCompaniesAct2006.Anychangesthathavealreadybeenmadebytheteam appearinthecontentandarereferencedwithannotations.(SeeendofDocumentfordetails) ELIZABETHIIc.46 Com...
1、英国公司法 The Compan ies Act 2006The Companies Act 2006 (c 46) i s an Act of the Par I i ament Kingdom wh i ch forms the pr imary source of UK company I aw. d i st i net i on of1,300 sect i ons scheduIes (The superseded, inbeing the Iongest in British Par I ...
The company has been struck off under section 1000 or 1001 of the Companies Act 2006; The application is made within a period of six years after the date of dissolution; The application is made by a former director or former secretary of the company; The Crown has signified consent, a bon...
greater part of the enactments relating to companies; to make other provision relating to companies and other forms of business organisation; to make provision about directors' disqualification, business names, auditors and actuaries; to amend Part 9 of the Enterprise Act 2002; and for connected ...
An act relating to genetic testing as a condition of employment; and adding a new section to chapter 49.44 of the Revised Code of Washington THE antibody response to most antigens is chemically heterogeneous, reflecting clonal heterogeneity of the responding cells. This heterogeneity may arise i.....
内容提示: VIRGIN ISLANDS BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 i (as amended, 2006) ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I - PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS 1. Short title and commencement. 2. Interpretation. 3. Meaning of “company” and “foreign company”. 4. Meaning of “subsidiary” and “holding company”....
Chapter 1 of Part 5 of the Companies Act provides that those persons who are "shadow directors" and "de facto" directors will equally be bound by the provisions of Part 5 in the same manner as directors who have been formally appointed. These concepts are not necessarily new and refer to...