Schedule lll of companies act
Section-2(79) Schedule: “Schedule” means a Schedule annexed to this Act; Section-2(80) Scheduled Bank: “scheduled bank” means the scheduled bank as defined in clause(e)of section 2 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934; Section-2(81) Securities: ...
under section 19 of the Companies Act 2006 (c.46), prescribe model forms of articles of association for—private companies limited by shares (regulation 2 and Schedule 1),private companies limited by guarantee (regulation 3 and Schedule 2), andpublic companies (regulation 4 and Schedule 3).收...
athe regulations contained in the schedule-1 of the companies act shall have as is hereby expressly modified or excluded,apply to this company as are applicable to private limited company. 在公司法的日程表1包含的章程将有和明确地特此修改或被排除,适用于这家公司象可适用的到私有有限公司。 [...
What is Section 135 and Schedule VII of Companies Act 2013? (1) Every company having net worth of rupees five hundred crore or more, or turnover of rupees one thousand crore or more or a net profit of rupees five crore or more during the immediately preceding financial year shall constitut...
内容提示: Prepared by:Depreciation as per Schedule II of Companies Act 2013Prepared by:CA. Rishi Khanna 文档格式:PPTX | 页数:29 | 浏览次数:13 | 上传日期:2015-11-19 05:06:54 | 文档星级: Prepared by:Depreciation as per Schedule II of Companies Act 2013Prepared by:CA. Rishi Khanna ...
内容提示: COMPANIES ACT 1963 (ACT 179) Section 1-Commencement Spent. Section 2-Interpretation First Sch. In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires, the expressions defined in the First Schedule hereto shall have the meanings assigned to them in that Schedule. Section 3-Application of ...
Second Schedule totheCompanies Act1981. (iv) 如第(B)段至第(n)段及第(p)段至第(u)段(包括一九八一年公司法附表二)所載。 [...] Company, the Company shall, pursuant to
The Companies Act, 1956 : Act no. 1 of 1956 : amended by the Companies (amendment) Act, 1988 and the new rules of depreciation (schedule xiv) from 2-4-1987 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者: L Sharma 年份: 1988 ...
3 (d)”fees”meansthefeesasspecifiedintheCompanies(Registration OfficesandFees)Rules,2014; (e)”Form”or“e-Form”meansaformsetforthinAnnexuretothese ruleswhichshallbeusedforthemattertowhichitrelates; (f)“Schedule”meanstheScheduletotheAct; ...