They found a positive effect of an insurance-related act on the productivity of the insurance industry in Ghana. However, several issues need to be addressed in the existing insurance literature. First, the measurement of classic cost efficiency, revenue efficiency, and profit efficiency all need ...
A full coverage car insurance policy will increase your premium, but it comes with broader protection for your vehicle and finances. Vehicle repairs and medical expenses after an accident can get expensive fast, and purchasing more car insurance coverage can act as a valuable financial safety net....
Remember the last email, where I said that the fundamental leverage of owning a multi-person consultancy is that you can have the partners act as rainmakers but have delivery done by people the partners have trained? Retainer agreements are ideal for delivery by understudies, because improving ...
In fact,the company’sfirstnamewas“ActYour Age”,whichwasalsothetitleof theirfirstshow,intendedto revalidatewhatit meansto be an olderperson.However,theyalsodefyessentialist106Núria Casado-Gual viewsof oldagethrough thestoriestheyfocuson,andequallyresortto thebarestageasasourceofdialecticdrama.Through...
Belk launched a vendor-direct program. When customers order items not stocked at one of Belk’s fulfillment centers, those items are shipped directly from the vendor. Vendors act as extensions of Belk’s fulfillment centers, while Belk is able to offer a broader product assortment to meet custo...
Improvements in financial reporting that stemmed from the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, or SOX, in the wake of Enron and other corporate scandals, have led to a major decrease in accounting mistakes at large U.S. companies, a University of Kansas researcher h
Media can indeed act as a filter through which “information [can be] amplified, distorted, muted, or half-truthed before reaching the public” [44] (p. 4). Thus, not only whether media report (or not) on some issues, but especially how they report on them should be a major factor...