Accordingly, GOI has notified 98 sections of 2013 Act which will come into force effective 12 September 2013. The details of such provisions form part of the Annexure. The 2013 Act delinks the procedural aspects from the substantive law and provides greater flexibility in rule- making to ...
Also, in the absence of an agreement a member who is not performing cannot be removed from the LLP. The applicable legislation will impose certain rights and obligations on the members which may not reflect their intentions. Having a written agreement in place gives members the opportunity to va...
the name includes a trade mark registered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the rules framed thereunder in the same class of goods or services in which the activity of the company is being carried out or is proposed to be carried out, unless the consent of the owner, of the trade mar...
On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”). The nearly $2 trillion relief package is the boldest action to date in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and is the single largest relief bill in U.S. history...