In this paper, a new notion of sequential compactness is introduced in L-topological spaces, which is called sequentially S*-compactness. If L = [0, 1], sequential ultra-compactness, sequential N-compactness and sequential strong compactness imply sequential S*-compactness, and sequential S*-...
Given a closed subset F of [0, 1]I which is a bounded subset of 1(I) (resp. such that F c 0(I)), we show that the countable axiom of choice for finite sets, (resp. the countable axiom of choice AC ) implies that F is compact. This enhances previous results where AC (resp....
Weak* sequential compactness and bornological limit derivatives Weak? sequential compactness and bornological limit derivatives - Borwein, Fitzpatrick - 1995 () Citation Context ... for any l.s.c. function; in an arbitrary WCG (not necessarily reflexive) space the limiting Hadamard subdifferential ....
Now by the well ordering principle U_0 must contain a largest element (Note that {k, k+1,...} has a least element implies {1/k,1/(k+1),...} has a largest element <== this is probably what I'm not 100% sure of about the largest element)...So the points 1/(m-1), ....
此文先对point set topology里的connetedness和compactness做一个回顾,然后重点讲讲local compactness and paracompactness (局紧和仿紧),因为这些在manifold上经常会涉及。 Connectednessconnected space Defn.…
Strengthening a result of apirovskiǐ we prove that if 2 ω ω 2 then sequential compactness implies pseudo-radiality in compact T 2 spaces, moreover we show that the failure of this implication is consistent with 2 ω = ω 3 . We also prove that if a conpact T 2 space X is not ...
Conditional weak compactness and weak sequential completeness in vector-valued function spaces46E4046E2728A3346E30Let E be an ideal of L 0 over a finite measure space ( Ω , Σ , μ ) and let ( X , ‖ ‖ X ) be a real Banach space. Let E ( X ) be the subspace of L 0 ( X...
Qiu J H. Weak countable compactness implies quasi-weak drop property [J]. Studia Math.,2004,162(2):175-182.Qiu J. H.Weak Countable Compactness implies quasi-weak Drop property. Studia Mathematica . 2004J H Qiu. weak countable compactness implies quasi-weak drop property[J].Studia ...