Compact Operators on the Bergman Spaces of the Unit Ball and the Polydisk in Ca[ J]. Northeast Math J ,2000 (16) :347 -356.LU Yu - feng. Compact Operators on the Bergman Spaces of the Unit Ball and the Polydisk in Cn[J]. Northeast Math J,2000 ( 16) : 347 - 356.LU Y F....
Compact Toeplitz operators on Bergman spaces 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 63 作者: R Yoneda 摘要: Let Bn denote the open unit ball in Cn. We write V to denote Lebesgue volume measure on Bnormalized so that V(B)=1. Fix [minus sign]1<[gamma]<[infty infinity] and let ...
composition operators on the weighted Bergman spaces in a bounded symmetric domain Ω, and verify that Cφ is compact on L q a (Ω, dv β ) if and only if K ( φ ( z ) ,φ ( z )) K ( z,z ) → 0 as z →φΩ under a mild condition, where K(z, w) is the Bergman ...
Compact Toeplitz Operators on pluriharmonic Bergman spaces 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 45 作者: OAA Osman 摘要: of consisting of all holomorphic functions on . A functionis said to be pluriharmonic if its restriction to an arbitrary complex line that intersects the ball is harmonic as ...
The compact differences of composition operators acting on the weighted L 2-Bergman space over the unit disk is characterized by the angular derivative can
BoundedandCompactToeplitzOperatorsontheWeightedBergman SpaceovertheBidisk siBoDIAO TaoYU) DepartmentofMathematics,ZhejiangNormalUniversity,~nhua321004,P.R.China E-mail:diaoyuqi8821~gmail.corn Abstract ForOL> ~1,letdvndenotetheweightedLebesguemeasureonthebidiskand acomplex measuresatis...
Essentially normal composition operators on the Bergman spaces the compactness of Thg−h(ζ)g(ζ) Cσ is obtained as an application of Lemma 1 in [20] on compact Carleson measures of the form W(z)d(Aσ −1 ), with the choice W(z) = |h(z)g(z) −h(ζ)g(ζ)| 2 . We...
[8] Xu A.J., Shi W.X., A result on monotonically metacompact spaces, Houston J. Math., 2013, 39, 1437-1442Search in Google Scholar ©2015 Ai-Jun Xu This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License....
the algebra of invariant differential operators on X. Consequently, Ξ provides a canonical domain on which to investigate the image of the heat kernel transformon X. Such a study was initiated in [14] where 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 22Exx. Key words and phrases. Riemannian...
Miao, J, Zheng, D (2004) Compact operators on Bergman spaces. Integral Equ. Oper. Theory 48: pp. 61-79Miao, J., Zheng, D.: Compact operator on Bergman spaces. Integr. Equ. Op. Theory 33, 61-79 (2004)Miao, J., Zheng, D.: Compact operators on Bergman spaces. Integral Equation ...