compact disc recordablenoun (1) Advertisement compact disc recordablenoun the full name for CDR“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
compact disc recordableAlso found in: Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia. compact disc recordablen (Computer Science) the full name for CD-RCollins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
compact disc recordable基本解释 可录光碟 分词解释 compact& vi. 压紧,(使)坚实 disc圆盘 recordable可记录的,值得记录的猜你喜欢 disc圆盘 abrasive disc砂(磨)轮 brake disc制动盘 circular disc圆盘 clutch disc离合片 compact space紧空间 compact structure结构紧凑 compact bone密质骨,质密骨 compact ...
PURPOSE: To realize the cost reduction of a recordable compact disc, formed by sequentially laminating a light absorbent layer, a light reflective layer, and a protective layer on a transparent substrate, without the sacrifice of reflectance, weatherability, or corrosion resistance.SHIMAMORI TAKUMI...
compact disc recordablephr. 可记录光盘驱动器 Compact Disc光盘(=CD) CD通常指的是用来储存音乐的小型盘片,目前在个人计算机中常见的只读光盘(CD-ROM)也可以播放这种格式的盘片。 compact disc(CD. CD-ROM,CD-A,CD-R) Compact Disc ReWritable可重复读写光驱(=CD-RW) 又称作可重复读写光驱,是以可烧录光盘为...
A recordable compact disc (1', 1 ) comprises a recorded and/ or mastered area (12) and a recordable user area (13), wherein said recorded and/or mastered area (12) serves for preventing audio tracks to be recorded into said recordable user area (13) by a standard compact disc ...
... 3.12 可记录光盘 recordable compact disc 3.13 可重写光盘 compact disc rewri table ...|基于21个网页 2. 可擦写光盘 _查单词短句_免费在线英语例句翻译 ... Recordable compact disc 可擦写光盘 compact This Folder 压缩此文件夹 ...|基于2个网页...
网络光盘刻录机;可烧录光碟;可录光碟 网络释义
A compact disc recordable (CD-R) is a writable disc upon which a user can write once and read many times. Once finalized, a CD-R disc cannot be formatted and data cannot be deleted from it. Advertisements A compact disc recordable is also known as a compact disc – write once (CD-...
A recordable disc is a data storage device that can have data recorded onto it. Though some recordable discs are designed for...