硬件:Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>M Series>>USB-6251, Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>M Series>>USB-6259 问题:当使用USB-625X或者CompactDAQ进行数字操作时,我可以期望获得怎样的速率? 解答:待测设备的数据传输速率是软件定时的,也称作unstrobed 或者 nonlatched,不需要状态和控制信号,因此数据传输速率是完全依赖于...
解答: 在Compact DAQ 之下,這些模式並不若在 RIO 裡受到支援。但是,這些模式可以依照它們的定義在軟體中被實現:數位輸入模式實際上僅是一個輸入範圍最大為 60V 的電壓信號,並且可以由程式來控制範圍的界限。這樣的功用可以輕易地由軟體達成。 常開接點模式基本上是一個 2-wire 電阻,範圍為 1k 歐姆。假如讀值是...
The mechanical translation system and the polarizer rotation-stage are controlled via a home-made electronic circuit, whereas the data acquisition from three photodiodes is performed by a National Instruments 12-bits DAQ. The entire system is fully controlled by means of an application program encoded...
DAQFPGAsingle photon detectionOptimal exploitation of Multi Anode PhotoMultiplier Tubes (MAPMT) as imaging devices requires the acquisition of a large number of independent channels; despite the rather wide demand, on-the-shelf electronics for this purpose does not exist. A compact independent channel...
Some preliminary measurements were performed using the DAQ manufactured by Nuclear Instruments SRL. For these measurements, a fully depleted silicon detector with an embedded CSA was used (AP-CAM25 manufactured by MIRION). The spectra were acquired by exposing the detector to different radioactive sou...