Structurally, cortical bone is made of many microscopic cylinders called osteons, which surround tiny central canals. Each osteon is formed during fetal development when tiny blood vessels and nerve fibers pass through mesenchymal tissue containing osteogenic cells. These osteogenic cells begin to produce...
Compact bone is not exactly a composite material, but rather a heterogeneous medium which exhibits a multiscale composite structure. If the homogenized approximation is precise enough (and this is true for the mathematical theory of homogenization), it is then possible to simulate the macroscopic ...
The results demonstrate that the Compact Light Source is well suited for 3d imaging of structurally preserved soft tissue surrounded by bone, with a field of view large enough to cover an entire organ of small animals, using phase contrast based on free propagation in the direct contrast regime...
Susceptibility differences between bone and water can lead to water frequency shifts dependent on the geometric characteristics. The purpose of this study is to calculate and measure the frequency distribution of the water signal in MRI in dependence of the microscopic bone geometry. Methods Finite ...
bone regenerationwater-bearablenacre-inspiredmineral-based compositeThe mechanical properties of mineral-based structural composite materials can be notably improved by bioinspired multiscale structure designs, which benefits their practical applications. Matrix-induced mineralization process has proved an efficient...