Cobol 中有两种可用的内部形式: 展示-它是数据的默认内部表示。可以使用 DISPLAY 内部表示指定任何类型的数据。 计算 –只能使用 COMPUTATIONAL 内部表示指定数字数据。 COMPUTATIONAL 表示有多种类型,如 COMP、COMP-1、COMP-2、COMP-3 等。 USAGE 子句用于指定内部表示的类型。您可以为 USAGE 子句使用任何级别编号,...
What is the difference between PIC 9.99 and 9v99 in COBOL? 880 I have one ps file in which there are 3 fileds emp_no,emp_name and leave_app.this ps file information give the detail of employee which is going to apply for leave.suppose emp_no=113430,emp_name=ajay,leave_app=1 tha...
3.COMP -2 : Similar to COMP-1.Only difference is double word(8 bytes )is used 4.COMP -3 :Interenal representation is decimal.Each character is assinged to half byte.The sign bit is assinged to right most bit. The no.of bytes required for n characters is (n/2) + 1 (rounding do...
Implied decimal point means COBOL aligns data to that spot, but THERE IS NO DECIMAL POINT. So what you are seeing in the spool is PRECISELY what you should get -- a value with no decimal point. If you want to see a decimal point in your output, move the variable to a PIC 9.99 ...
Ok, see I have a variable: A S9(3) comp-3 and now I have to unpack it and get a whole number which does not have any spaces in beween or leading spaces because I need to use it for further processing. So the pic clause I use must give me -11(if actual digits are 2) or -...
variable 1 in hex is F F F F F F F F 2 0 0 7 0 5 0 3 can you please explain me how is the value in variable 3 populated? Back to top acevedoActive UserJoined: 11 May 2005Posts: 344Location: Spain Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 5:14 pm Quote: Packed-decimal ...
How to edit comp-3 variable in cobol? Linkage section View - base tables Null memoryRelated Open QuestionsTechnical support job questions General statistics: (a) what is the average number of files processed on a given day? (b) what is the peak number of files processed on a given day?
3) Hein is not entirely correct when he says " Unfortunately, Cobol does not really have conditional compiles" as can be seen in the attached example that works both on VAX and IA64. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and all the best for the coming year! Cheers Richard Maher PS. On...
3) Hein is not entirely correct when he says " Unfortunately, Cobol does not really have conditional compiles" as can be seen in the attached example that works both on VAX and IA64. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and all the best for the coming year! Cheers Richard Maher PS. On...
You may not understand what COBOL is doing with your code, but the abend indicates COBOL is not interpreting what you are attempting to do the same way you think it should happen. Unless you provide the precise code -- DATA DIVISION definitions for every variable and PROCEDURE DIVISION ...