1 2 3 引用的框架有: 逻辑部分: 1 var vm = new Vue({ 2 3 el: '#...
Infomap community finding
The methods of community detection help to find groups in the network with a high density of connections within and a low density of links between groups. We will have a look at the two methods Louvain Community Detection and Infomap because they gave the best results in the study of Lanc...
6ab17f8b18a6fdf34b2a53454f79a3b976a49201 cd examples/python make # 编译完之后,当前目录下就会有一个infomap文件夹,就是编译好的模块; # 为了方便调用,可以复制到python的模块文件夹(每台电脑的路径可能不一样)中 python example-simple.py cp infomap /home/you/you/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages...
community detectionfollowing graphFind out community in Weibo following graph is a time consuming work for its huge size. This paper introduced a modified method based on Infomap for speed up this process. The experiment on real data shows that our algorithm is ...
Community detection in the European network of sectors using the Infomap algorithm.Gérald GurtnerStefania VitaliMarco CipollaFabrizio LilloRosario Nunzio MantegnaSalvatore MiccichèSimone Pozzi
Comparison with Louvain method and H-Infomap on hierarchical community benchmarks at its first level.Xiaochun, CaoXiao, WangDi, JinXiaojie, GuoXianchao, Tang