These counties did not have HHP or WPC infrastructure to build from to launch Community Supports, meaning that more work was needed to stand up provider networks, strengthen referral pipelines, and enhance delivery infrastructure to support these services in 2022. DHCS is continuing to support the ...
“This support from Must! Charities will create meaningful change for survivors in our community,” said Jennifer Adams, CEO of Lumina Alliance. “Must! Charities’ commitment allows us to expand our services, reduce wait times for therapy—especially for Spanish-speaking clients—and create a last...
” with CHWs potentially infringing on their professional scope of practice, diminishing their current clinical roles and clinical support for their licensed professions
Upon consolidation, the state DHCS transferred the funds it had been spending under the FFS system for inpatient psychiatric and outpatient physician and psychologist services to county MHPs It was assumed (by counties) that MHPs would receive additional funds yearly beyond the base ...