From this study, the job satisfaction among Chinese community health workers in the two cities enjoyed a moderate level of job satisfactions, which represented they are not fully satisfied with their jobs. Community health workers in Shenyang had lower job satisfaction as compared to those in Benxi...
CHPs commented on needing to improve their planning skills, having the capacity to develop work plans, and learning how to delegate responsibilities to excel in their jobs. They also expressed interest in receiving more training to improve their communication skills in working with people from ...
Maybe I need to take some odd jobs to cover my bills while I improve my coding skills. Rent and food need to be paid, you know. But I will keep applying to at least 40 companies before I change my strategy" Me today : "OMFG, they offered me a position despite my very bad ...
Alongside MLSE, Scotiabank and a team of dedicated partners have teamed up to create a large-scale meal program to support and thank Toronto's frontline health workers and their families, and to protect the city's most vulnerable. Scotiabank Arena has been transformed into Toronto's largest kitc...
Since then I've been working odd jobs. And today I've decided to stretch out a bit, and build a basic airtable clone, because I think I can. And also because I hate anything without an offline option. First thing I realized was I wasn't about to duplicate all the features of a sp...
Lowell and Richmond embody many of the structural forces, like deindustrialization and declining blue-collar jobs, that frame working-class young people’s attempts to come of age in America today. The economic hardships of these men and women, both white and black, have been well docume...
Are we doing it with an eye towards serving communities that are struggling most? Or are we doing it to assure ourselves that we are “doing something,” to assure our donors we still exist— and that our jobs are worth keeping (which is in itself important!)?
DevNetJobs Jobs, careers, UN, aid, NGOs, consultancy, consultancies, international development community, consulting in UN, Environment, NGOs, non profits, charity, International Development and Voluntary sector. Over 22,000 international organisations p
has been found to be pervasive in social service organizations (Abramovitz & Zelnick,Citation2018; Hasenfeld & Garrow,Citation2012). Workers are admonished to be “devoted” to their jobs while also expected to work harder and faster on demonstrable accomplishments with quantifiable metrics (McCallum...
1991, Toronto: University of Toronto Press Google Scholar Wenzel G: Ningiqtuq: Resource sharing and generalized reciprocity in Clyde River, Nunavut. Arct Anthropol. 1995, 32: 43-60. Google Scholar Collings P: Subsistence hunting and wildlife management in the central Canadian Arctic. Arctic ...