I just wanted to take this opportunity to express that what you guys are doing with .NET MAUI is absolutely brilliant. I’ve read a lot of negative comments and personally I find them to be unfounded. You guys have so much to be proud of creating tools for the community in the way ...
chance=opportunitytakeanopportunitytodosth趁机做某事,抓住机会做某事 我们有一个游览长城的好机会。WehaveagoodchancetovisittheGreatWall. 12.Thecommunityhasbeenequippedwithhigh-techfacilities. 该社区配备了高科技设施.beequippedwith配备,被装备上(被动语态) ...
As I’m sure you’ll all remember, we hosted our first Screen Archery Competition back in October for Halloween. Among the first-place prizes was an interview with the winners of each category, giving them the opportunity to discuss their creative process and share... ...
As I’m sure you’ll all remember, we hosted our first Screen Archery Competition back in October for Halloween. Among the first-place prizes was an interview with the winners of each category, giving them the opportunity to discuss their creative process and share... ...
Your education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching, that is, tutoring in math and English. You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour ...
As I’m sure you’ll all remember, we hosted our first Screen Archery Competition back in October for Halloween. Among the first-place prizes was an interview with the winners of each category, giving them the opportunity to discuss their creative process and share... ...
Effective policing relies on the police having the confidence of the communities they serve, and this consultation gives the public an opportunity to contribute to the values and standards they expect of police officers. — Hazel Blears 2 The proper goal of an economic democracy agenda is to re...
The young-aged generation can have the opportunity to learn and experience the Oroo’ language from the middle-aged. Services and facilities The locals recognize that the level of services and facilities here is average and that it still requires significant attention from stakeholders, particularly ...
As I’m sure you’ll all remember, we hosted our first Screen Archery Competition back in October for Halloween. Among the first-place prizes was an interview with the winners of each category, giving them the opportunity to discuss their creative process and share... ...
It’s lovely to meet you all. I’m Sarah, also known as Modsetti, and I'm part of the new Content team. If you've been checking out our shorts on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, you might've already spotted me. I'll have a full introduction a bit later on, but for now, we...