in 7 hours Register here. The Viva Glint: Ask the Experts series provides you with an opportunity to interact live with Viva Glint experts and other Viva Glint customers on 360s in Viva Glint. We look forwa... Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025, 08:00 AM PDT ...
Hello, We currently have a calendar list view that shows each consultant planned hours/day, there are 3 types of hours, ''free'' ''internal'' & ''work''. A day can consist of all 3 types of hours or 1-2. The table we currently use looks like this (problem is that it can only...
125000 TranslationServiceAppId : TranslationServiceAddress : RenderingLocalCacheLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\waccache RecycleActiveProcessCount : 5 AllowCEIP : False OfficeAddinEnabled : False ExcelRequestDurationMax : 300 ExcelSessionTimeout : 450 ExcelWorkbookSizeMax : 30 Exc...
(EGI) service through the SAP Enterprise Support Advisory Council (ESAC): “Selective Data Transfer to SAP Cloud ALM”.This EGI will give you access to a methodology and process to find out how this tool works and what object types are supported (depicted in the picture below). This is a...
17 views 0 0 Christian Schavitz 16 hours ago assets automation custom-field jira-service-management use custom field value in jira form in automation rule Hi there, I have a request type that has a form attached. If someone selects certain answer choice value in said form, I want to...
#include<string> #include<vector> void foo(); void foo(double) = delete; void foo(std::string); template<typename... Args> inline constexpr auto foo_is_deleted = []{ return ! requires { foo(std::declval<Args>()...); }; }(); static_assert(!foo_is_deleted<>); // exist as...
Actually, firefighters need at least 100 hours of training before they can even legally step foot inside a burning building. Not to mention they learn to get dressed in full garb in less than two minute’s time. Check out these FREE ways to learn about community helpers: firefighters, in ...
use the AI API from SAP AI Core to consume the Data Attribute Recommendation Regression model template and Invoice Object Recommendation business blueprint. See Consuming the Service via AI API. Global Accounts You can now move subaccounts between your global accounts. See Initial Setup. Service ...
From Template Create new notes from Templates - for each Template, provides a Command to trigger it, and a form to fill in any variables in the template. Overdue Mark items as [[Overdue]] if they are not checked off by their due date. Dialogue Create dialogues in Markdown. Title Serial...
instance-id<instance-id>service ethernet eid-table vlan<vlan-id>broadcast-underlay flood arp-nd flood unknown-unicast exit-service-ethernet exit-instance-id Step 2.Add the L2 Only VLAN to the L2 Handoff Border Example L2 Border Configuration ...