they are able to create greater awareness of existing resources, as well as more connections between them. For example, in Thurrock, local neighbourhood groups felt supported through the increased promotion of their activities to local people (Kingfishers Ltd., 2015). In Waltham Forest, local grou...
Educating the science teacher to use community resourcesNot Availabledoi:10.1002/sce.3730360202S. R. PowersTeachers College, Columbia University, New York, New YorkJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Science Education
Under the BRI, all parties will prioritize development as the common goal, leveraging their respective resources and potential advantages, igniting their own growth engines, growing their capacity for independent development, and collectively creating more opportunities and space for development. This collab...
A manifesto for a globally diverse, equitable, and inclusive open science Psychology must embrace more responsible practices in design, reporting, generalisation, and evaluation of research to counteract the spectre of Questionable Generalisability Practices and the issue of MASKing (Making Assumptions based...
and crop dedomestication. These highlighted investigations all relied upon genomic resources that are relatively rare for weedy species. Throughout, we identify additional resources that would advance the field of weed science and enable further progress in weed genomics. We then introduce the Internatio...
built on a common foundation in complex systems. By bridging diverse disciplines and providing cutting-edge training, IFISC is shaping the next generation of researchers while offering a blueprint for how to reorganize research resources to foster cross-disciplinary research at institution levels and be...
CSDirectory is an independent website for those who are interested in Christian Science from the Foundation for Prayerful Living. We offer Bible Lesson study resources, marketplace, learning center, practitioners, and links to organizations serving the C
The rapid advances in ICT, computing, communication technologies and the emergence of citizen science is changing the situation. Here we report a case from Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary World Natural Heritage in China on the application of citizen science in a community reconstruction project. Dahe,...
Indicators representing the general vitality of the local economy are, for example, the overall employment rate, retail turnover, or the number of businesses in the community. Another key element of any functioning economy is access to financial resources. Moreover, in a crisis, larger businesses...
GRASS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System Commonly referred to as GRASS, is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/map production, spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial...