An evaluation of community-based resources for management of diabetes related foot disorders in an Australian population. Aust Health Rev. 2009;33(4):671-8.Bergin SM, Brand CA, Colman PG, Campbell DA. An evaluation of community-based resources for management of diabetes-related foot disorders ...
Management of diabetes in the communitycommissioning of diabetes servicescommunity carediabetes care pathwaydiabetes servicesprimary care diabetesDiabetes mellitus is a serious chronic condition with significant impact on morbidity and mortality. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in particular continues to ...
PURPOSE: The medical cost of diabetes in the United States in 1997 was at least $98 billion. This study illustrates the behavioral change and medical-care utilization impact that occurs in a community-based setting of a diabetes disease-management program that is applied to program participants in...
Overview: This report presents the results of a systematic review of the effectiveness and economic efficiency of self-management education interventions for people with diabetes and forms the basis for recommendations by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Data on glycemic control provide ...
The development of a Community Wellness Hub should be built in phases, with each phase building on the previous one. An overview is provided for each of the core phases below. NRPA plans to provide additional training and resources on the steps outlined in this process in the future. It is...
Stringent glycemic control reduces complications and health care costs for people with diabetes. This study assessed the effectiveness of a diabetes self-management training (DSMT) program at a community clinic. Education and a glucometer were provided to 70 people with type 2 diabetes in a 4-hou...
Purpose The purpose of this study is to estimate the cost-effectiveness of diabetes self-management programs in real-world community primary care settings. Estimates incorporated lifetime reductions in disease progression, costs of adverse events, and increases in quality of life. Methods Clinical resul...
DiabetesRuralMany recommended best practices exist for clinical and community diabetes management and prevention. However, in many cases, these recommendations are not being fully utilized. It is useful to gain a sense of currently utilized and needed practices when beginning a partnership building ...
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of a nurse-led diabetes care program (Comprehensive Diabetes Management Program, CDMP) for poorly controlled Hispanic type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients in an urban community health center setting. Patients were randomized to the ...
Diabetes care in community health centers: a focus on health resources and services administration-funded clinical pharmacy demonstration projects Millions of Americans have limited access to health care and are ethnically diverse and medically underserved. Many of these patients are seen in community......