It was also discovered that rural and urban head teachers do not differ in the ways they foster collaborative relationships between their schools, parents and communities, while the private and public schools' head teachers differ significantly in the ways they maintain school-community relations. ...
(1979). Public Access: Citizens and Collective Bargaining in the Public Schools. Ithaca, N.Y.: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations,... REE Doherty - Publications Division, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 ($7.95...
Cultural Diversity and Community Relations Policy: Multicultural education in schools (PD20050234)Department of EducationSunarto, K. (2004). Multicultural education in schools: Challenges in its implementation. In K. Sunarto, R. H. K. Heng, & A. F. Saifuddin (Eds.), Multicultural edu...
Community Relations Broadcasting live events enhanced community relationships and participation in education COMMUNITY LIVE STREAMING Schools are finding that broadcasting live events is a great way to provide parents, teachers, students and the community with an opportunity to view events either live or ...
Schools, teachers and community: cultivating the conditions for engaged student learningschool–community relationsrefugeesteacherspracticeThis paper reveals the nature of the actions, discussions and relationships which characterised teachers' and associated school personnel's efforts to engage poor and refugee...
This chapter seeks to develop a ‘horizon of possibility’ around how schools should include young people in the process of creating ‘dialogue’ with their communities. There are four parts. First, challenging the dominant business model of...
Newport, P. (1994).Construction of teacher beliefs and practice: Parent participation in the primary school and classroom. Dissertation. The University of Sydney. Google Scholar Phtiaka, H. (1994).Each to his own? Home-school relations in Cyprus. Presented at the Twentieth Annual BERA Conferenc...
摘要: This resource seeks to promote effective teaching and learning practice, and to provide guidance for exploring some of the more controversial issues which emerge in ways that are appropriate, safe, and create positive learning experiences....
The term sense of community (SOC) is used liberally in both the popular press and psychology, sociology, and management literatures to characterize a variety of social settings, including families, neighborhoods, schools, organizations, cities and rural areas, businesses and industries. Various instrume...
Community of European Management Schools Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies Community of European Railways Community of European Solar Radio Astronomers Community of Evaluators Community of Excellence Community of Faith for Economic Empowerment ...