Focusing on three community radio stations in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban (South Africa's three largest cities), the article draws on anthropological methods of participant observation and qualitative interviews. The study argues that while the potential exists, in this case access to and ...
Sisanda Nkoala_ Gilbert Motsaathebe - 100 Years of Radio in South Africa, Volume 2 _ Community Radio, Digital Radio and the Futu 231 p. Sisanda Nkoala_ Gilbert Motsaathebe - 100 Years of Radio in South Africa, Volume 1 _ South African Radio Stations and Broadcaste 308 p. Sir...
This paper evaluates the evolution of community radio in postapartheid South Africa where a three-tier broadcasting system—public, commercial, and community—has replaced the monopoly of a state-run behemoth, the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The paper commences with an overview of South Af...
South AfricatrainingSouth African community radio was established as one means of addressing the need for local participation in the public sphere. The model of community radio outlined in legislation does not, however, offer enough guidance for how such participation will be achieved on a day-to-...
Bush Radio is collaborating with WRHU, the award-winning campus radio station at Hofstra University, New York. The initiative comes at a crucial time as the United States (US) approaches its 60th presidential election on November 5, 2024, while South Africa celebrates 30 years since its first ...
This chapter deals with indigenous radio broadcasting by considering a Setswana language community radio station as a case study. The aim is to examine the role these stations have played in South Africa over the decades and their contribution to revitalising indigenous languages. The study draws ...
Music and text: critical inquiries: Privileging the moment of reception: music and radio in South Africa Joseph Kerman observed in 1985 that "semiotics, hermeneutics, and phenomenology are being drawn upon only by some of the boldest of musical studies today, [and] post-structuralism, deconstructio...
oftworesearchmeetings,onurbancommunitymedia. Duringtheensuingyears,UNESCObegansettingupcommunityradiostationsinAfrica (HomaBay,1982)andAsia(Mahaweli,1986andTambuliCommunityradios,1982)Thegrowth ofthecommunityradio‘movement’wascoveredinasectionoftheUNESCOWorld CommunicationReportin1997. UNESCOseescommunityradioasa...
Cokoye is an Africa's discussion forums where Africans such as Nigeria, South Africa, and Ghana etc discuss issues around the continent of Africa.
Media, Culture & Society Community radio in the US: the struggle fora democratic medium William Barlow Media Culture Society 1988 10: 81 DOI: 10.1177/016344388010001006 The online version of this article can be found at: http://mcs.sagepub.eom关键词: Community Radio ...