The scheme cost GBP 4100 for these patients and is estimated to have saved GBP 14,602 over 1 month.Todd, Adambaqir, wasimLearoyd, TristanSim, AHealth SciencesBaqir, W., Todd, A., Learoyd, T., et al. 2010b: Cost effectiveness of community pharmacy minor ailment schemes. International ...
A community pharmacy minor ailment scheme is where the community pharmacist supplies medication on the NHS from a limited formulary free of charge to patients who are exempt from prescription charges. Therefore, the payment barrier is removed encouraging more patients to consult with their pharmacist ...
Implementingacommunity pharmacyminorailment scheme Apracticaltoolkitforprimarycare organisationsandhealthprofessionals TheNationalPharmaceuticalAssociationLimited MallinsonHouse,38-42St.Peter’sStreet,St.Albans,HertsAL13NP Telephone:*** TheNationalPharmaceuticalAssociation ...
A community pharmacy minor ailment scheme - Effective, rapid and convenient Aim: To determine patients' views on a minor ailment scheme (MAS) in order to inform future service development. Design: Confidential questi onnaire survey Subjects and setting: Patien ts who had accessed the Chorley & ...
Minor ailmentsPharmacy practiceProgramme sustainabilitySelf-careThe Programme Sustainability Assessment Tool allowed stakeholders to evaluate the potential of pharmacy minor ailment services in England. Follow-up interviews highlighted that initial design and implementation of services was poorly conceived and ...
Also, although CHPS service package is mainly prevention, promotion, and treatment of minor ailment, the initiative lacks needed ambulatory services to facilitate referral processes in contributing to comprehensive delivery of services. Again, challenges related to availability and reliable communication ...
Vohra S. A community pharmacy minor ailment scheme--effective, rapid and convenient. Pharm J 2006;276(7406):754 - 59.Vohra S. A community pharmacy minor ailment scheme - effective, rapid and convenient. The Pharmaceutical Journal 2006;276:754-56....
Aim: To determine patients' views on a minor ailment scheme (MAS) in order to inform future service development. Design: Confidential questi onnaire survey Subjects and setting: Patien ts who had accessed the Chorley & Ribble Primary Care Trust MAS in its first six months and who had given ...
Pharmacy practiceProgramme sustainabilityMinor ailmentsSelf-careBackground: Self-care advice and management of minor ailments have long been provided in community pharmacies across England. However, formal pharmacy minor ailment service provision is geographically variable and has yet to gain recognition and...
Minor ailment servicesTrainingBACKGROUND: Minor ailment services (MASs) are structured, protocol driven pharmacy services established locally or nationally. Community pharmacy staff may benefit from education and training to deliver MASs. Our objective was to examine the evidence regarding training, ...